Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Monkey mind should be ignored

Half of the problem, or maybe even most of the problem with an unenlightened mind is the 'monkey mind'. The part of our brain that won't shut up. It can lead us on endless wild goose chases like I have mentioned before. The monkey mind is the enemy of faith in Amida Buddha. It keeps me wanting to explore and not trust in the Buddha, It tells me there is ways I can be enlightened in this life despite my karma. The monkey mind likes to keep you confused and scared but also full of hope that you can become a buddha here and now, which is false.

There is ways to quite the monkey mind.....

-Meditation - It works. It helps. It's not perfect though. Your monkey mind may be suppressed and easier to ignore, but it's still there and gets louder when you don't keep up your practice.

-Booze - Drinking shuts your mind up, but drinking too much or too often isn't good for your health.

-Nembutsu and forget - What does this mean? It means don't worry about your mind. Know it's tricks and say 'it's ok my mind is telling me that I can save myself and that my cat will die next week because my mind is talking out it's ass and it doesn't speak the truth'. Then say the Nembutsu and smile because Amida Buddha has got your back.

Namo Amida Butsu

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Almost there....again

As I mentioned in my last post I recently thought I had figured out enlightenment again. Thought that I was so darn close to taking that step into figuring out everything and how to acheive all my goals and desires. I have been there countless times without every 'figuring it out' but it doesn't seem to change the fact that I keep getting drawn back there. And that's my karma. The karma of a seeker. Some ego comes with that too. A seeker sometimes thinks they are better then those who realize their inability to save themselves. As I said...karma.

It gets tiring trying to save yourself spiritually. Over the recent holidays I felt like I always had to do something to keep my path towards enlightenment going. I got sick of it and in my desperation muttered the Nembutsu and remembered Amida's wonderful vow to save us unenlightened fools.

When I was a Christian I felt the same. Always having to pray or read the Bible to feel 'connected'. I was a Calvinist too meaning I shouldn't have to do anything but there was still 'expectations' of what a Christian should do. Amida says 'don' worry'. Say the Nembutsu and rely on me,

Ok. I will do that.

Namo Amida Butsu

Monday, December 28, 2015

I'm back after another circle of unenlightnement...

Once again I am shown how I am a fool and unenlightened. For the last month or so I was once again caught up in the idea that I found a path that would lead to all my desires being filled and eventually to be enlightened in this life. I stopped saying the Nembutsu even though I liked saying it. It's like I knew if I kept saying it I would not forget that this path was just like all the others I posted about. I didn't listen and I did forget and chased another white rabbit around for a month.

I won't lie, the experience was interesting but it all of a sudden hit me one day it's a path I have been down before. Oh how foolish I am to forget to say the Nembutsu and remember the vow of Amida where I can be a buddha after I die in his Pureland.

So yesterday I started saying the Nembutsu again and I think that is good. There is no magic rushing of 'extascy' at saying this phrase again. No magic or supernatural feeling. Just the knowledge that I am back on a path to eventual enlightenment in the Pureland. Also it feels peaceful to know that it's ok to be the unenlightened fool that I am because Amida has my back with is vow.

I post this to show that even when one lectures about the way of the Nembutsu, it doesn't mean they are enlightened. They are still a fool like myself and I hope you stay on the path of the Nembutsu and if you leave it you come back so you can escape the Samsara.