Sunday, January 17, 2016

No fruit required

Someone recently told me that the surest way to salvation is through the Christian faith. As a former Christian (a few times over) I told them that I find Christianity too 'works' based. The person was flabbergasted. "Surely you are mistaken." he said, "Christianity is about grace where Jesus does everything for you. It is other religions that are works based!"

In my journey I have discovered the only path that doesn't require 'works' is the path of the Nembutsu. The compassionate vow of the Amida Buddha saves us and we can do nothing but say the Nembutsu, if only a few times.

What's the difference between that and when a Christian 'accepts' Jesus?

If that's where it ended for a Christian there maybe wouldn't be so much of a difference, but it doesn't. There are certain things expected of a Christian. Certain 'fruits' should be brought to bear proving they are truly a Christian. An example may be if a drug addict decided to become one, it would be expected he would quit using. If he kept going back to his 'old ways' it would be said he most likely doesn't truly have the 'spirit' in him and is not a Christian. I am not saying Christianity lacks compassion for people who struggle with their 'sin', but there is pressure to overcome your karma, which is not possible. Of course one can overcome their problems, for example the drug addict could quit using if his karma allowed it, but it shouldn't be a determining factor in his salvation. I know several people who got over their alcoholism after becoming Christians. I am just saying even if they stayed drunks, it shouldn't have been as issue.

I suppose this idea of fruits of the spirit comes from the Christian idea of the Holy Spirit which actually gives you the power to overcome your karmic debt. From observing Christianity and being a part of it I rarely see this happen however for any extended period. The karma built up after many, many lifetimes is not easy, if not impossible to overcome. I see many struggle to continually overcome what they see as their 'sin', driving themselves crazy, when they could just say 'it's ok, Amida has got my back, no matter what. Namo Amida Bu'. They can be sinful Nembutsu practitioners and have peace of mind instead of endlessly feeling guilty about their sin.

Another issue I found really works based was that one is also to engage in fellowship and go to church (even if they are an introvert and don't really dig idle fellowship or sitting listening to sermons), read their Bible (even if they don't enjoy reading it) and pray (even if prayer isn't their thing). There is a lot expected of a Christian after they 'accept' Jesus, even if on the surface it is said the works are not part of your standard Protestant theology.

Oddly enough the Calvinist or Reformed theologies in Christianity preach that we really can do nothing to save ourselves, yet still preach there is works we 'should' do and there should be 'evidence' or that we 'bear good fruit' as a sign of the spirit.

I want to share now a blog post from Amida-Ji Retrat Temple in Romania written by Rev Josho....

Some time ago I was in correspondence with a drug addict who showed great interest in the Jodo Shinshu teaching. He had a hard time trying again and again to give up taking drugs but he always returned to his bad habit. More than this, he was afraid that he cannot be saved by Amida as he is. 

I said to him:
Just entrust to Amida Buddha as you are. If you can abstain, and is useful to try, this would be good for your health, but if you cannot, don’t worry. Jodo Shinshu is especially for people who cannot abstain, who are incapable of any practice, for those that any advice or any treatment is useless, for people whose minds are too sick to recover from their problems, anxieties, and deviations. Its not that they especially want to be like this, but their habitual karma is too strong for them to overcome. After many years and even many lives of taking the drugs of ignorance and blind passions how can one think and act like a normal person? How can one practice Buddhism and become a Buddha by himself?

I met many times with alcoholics  and told them the same if they asked me questions on Buddhism. If you tried and cannot give up, then be an alcoholic who entrusts to Amida. Be an alcoholic or drug addict nembutsu follower.  Be a bad Buddhist who entrusts to Amida.

Jodo Shinshu is the path for sick people, for those without hope. Its the path for alcoholics, drug addicts, and all kind of people with strong attachments. All are equally accepted by the Compassion and Primal Vow of Amida Buddha. So please, come as you are.  Your salvation is in Amida's hands, not yours.

You can try to cure yourself of any addiction you have, but do NOT postpone taking refuge in Amida Buddha until you become ready, or clean or worthy...  You are saved not because you "deserve", but because Amida loves you unconditionally.

There is salvation! Salvation from having to try and overcome your crushing karmic debt. Of course if you struggle with a destructive tendency it is good to try and work on it, but you should know that the Amida Buddha accepts you for who you are at every moment, not the impossible 'enlightened' and 'righteous' self that other paths try to make you become. With Amida, there is no fruit required, and that should give you peace!

Namo Amida Butsu

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