Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Wonderful simplicity

I would always worry if I was doing enough in my chosen spiritual path. Was I praying enough as a Christian? Meditating enough when I was into Zen? Practicing my workings enough when I was into the occult? It can go on and on....

It was never really enough. I couldn't ever relax and let my mind chill out. Mainly because my mind was always sending me on a goose chase asking these questions.

Today I wonder if I am doing enough in regards to the Buddha Dharma. I realize no I am not, then I say the Nembutsu.

Namo Amida Butsu.

So simple. That is all I need to do. My mind is at ease at such a simple thing. Such compassion showed by Amida to us unenlightened fools who think we can save ourselves. No more worrying about doing enough, because doing enough isn't necessary. Just say the Nembutsu and Amida will guide you to the Pureland.

Namo Amida Butso.

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