Monday, January 4, 2016

Tired after holidays

The holidays are finally over and it's been a busy time for many. So busy that I didn't have much time to ponder the Buddha Dharma. Do I feel bad about it? No not really. Should I? Yes probably, but because of my unenlightenment, I have trouble caring and Amida Buddha understands that. And at the few times I did think 'gee I should spend some time focusing on the compassion of Amida' then I remember all I have to do is say the Nembutsu a few times and all is well.

Namo Amida Butsu

Namo Amida Bu

So simple. Just saying that, even in my unenlightened state, brings me great peace. Not because it's some 'magic' mantra, but because I know the Amida Buddha has me covered and I will be a Buddha in the Pureland one day because of his incredible compassion, even when I am more interested right now in scotch and video games.

And of course it doesn't mean one shouldn't try to focus on the Dharma if and when they can, but there should be no pressure as there is really nothing you can do to become enlightened. All you can do is say the Nembutsu and trust in Amida's vow.

Namo Amida Butsu.

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