Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Don't judge

I speak for myself as well when I say 'don't judge'. We forget that people have karma, not just from their past but from previous lives. This might impact them in ways that we may not understand. Back when I thought my meditation made me superior because I had control of my unenlightened mind, I would look at people with monkey minds (like I don't still have one!) and think 'if only they practised the zazen like me, they could happy like me'.

Not everyone carries a karmic debt so we must be careful when we look down on people and judge them. If you see a homeless man on the street, maybe give him some money. If you know he plans to buy some booze with it, don't care and don't judge. If you don't want to give him money then just try not to judge. If you still judge him then that's they way it is for us unenlightened folks and the Amida Buddha will not judge you unfairly when you are welcomed into the Pureland!

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