Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Namo Amida Butsu

The Nembutsu feels good to say. Not because it's magic or some new-age idea that is meant to make you happy and rich. It feels good because it means we can rely on the compassionate vow of the Amida Buddha to save all us unenlightened people in this age of no Buddha's and bring us to the Pureland where we can be Buddha's. There is no catch, no hidden costs. Just as we are when we recite the Nembutsu, even a few times and desire to go to the Pureland, we will be welcomed there upon our death. Free of karma and the samsara of endless rebirth. We don't need to be better people or go work in a homeless shelter or soup kitchen (although there is nothing wrong with that and it may make you feel nice inside). All we need to do is recite the Nembutsu and chill out. Let your mind run away with silly ideas of enlightenment while you relax and know you have enlightenment waiting for you in the Pureland, but not before.

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