Thursday, November 19, 2015

I'm lazy and that's ok

As much as I loved my spiritual walks and various journeys in the end I always got lazy with the practice. And when I got lazy with the practice I would usually get frustrated and feel disconnected from that path. Most likely I would eventually leave and move on.

My path with Amida can be similar, except now I know that it's ok to be lazy with your spiritual practice. Even when I am totally not interested in my 'shinjin' (faith in Amida), I know even if I mutter the Nembutsu just a few times, all is ok. I am unenlightened and not expected to save myself in this life from the samsara, or ever for that matter.

Of course being diligent and studying the Dharma is important, but not stressing about it is the key. Only do what you can and what you want to. You can't save yourself by reading the becoming a Dharma scholar, but it can help you on your journey with the Amida.

Focus mostly on saying the Nembutsu as much or as little as you want. That will remind you that even though you may be lazy today, it doesn't matter because it's Amida doing the work that will take you to the Pureland, not you. Being lazy can actually be a benefit to your shinjin, as you will learn to rely more on Amida Buddha and less on yourself for enlightenment.

Namo Amida Bu

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