Tuesday, November 17, 2015

It's ok to not always think what you think is right

The title may not make the most sense, but let me explain. In my past experiences with different religions and ideologies I always felt I had to 'tow the line' of what that specific path valued. For the most part this was really difficult as alot of the time I didn't really agree.

When I was a Christian I felt I should be against gay marriage or the homosexual lifestyle in order for my views to line up with Christian 'values'. The problem was I had NO problem with gay marriage or homosexuals. I felt I was being torn in two different directions. One way was what I really thought and the other with what I thought I should think.

Another example was when I got into neo-paganism (more specifically Druidry). It was heavy on nature and the environment. While I like to do what I can for the environment, I found this path made me feel I should care more about something which I wasn't really passionate about. It felt fake.

Thankfully via the vows of the Amida Buddha I don't have to worry about what I think anymore. If I feel strongly about something, by current path won't make me feel like I have to change it. All my path wants me to do is trust that I will be reborn in the Pureland and say the Nembutsu. Beyond that, nothing is expected of me. It's real liberation to feel that. And even when thoughts enter your head that maybe disturb you, don't fret, as they are only thoughts and unenlightened beings such as us can't ever be totally in control of our thoughts, no matter how hard we wish and believe we can.

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