Monday, November 2, 2015

Expect nothing

Many religions say something will change in a man or woman when they accept this new path. Christianity as an example says a man will be filled with the Holy Spirit and this will help him in his walk with Jesus. Other Christians, such as Pentecostals or Charismatics might even say that once a person is baptised and receive the Holy Spirit they must show proof like talking in tongues. Expect none of this from the Amida Buddha....

Nothing special will happen when you decide to accept Amida's vow of rebirth in the Pureland. No overwhelming change will occur except the peace you might get from knowing you will be done with the samsara and perhaps the peace provided by the simple words of the Nembutsu. Maybe don't even expect that. If you do expect something like butterflies or tingles down your spine or perhaps a new purpose to move forward as a better person then I am afraid you will be disappointed. Keep it simple and just say the Nembutsu and wish for rebirth in the Pureland and that's it. Take peace from that and go about your life doing what you want to do.

Namo Amida Butsu

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