Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Improve yourself for you

The Amida Buddha saves you how you are. You are not expected to become some great saint or even some super duper compassionate being. The Amida Buddha knows that you are unenlightened and that in this age you cannot become enlightened. So does that mean you should not try and improve yourself?

Of course not. There are reasons to improve yourself. If you are a drunk you should try to be more sober for your health. If you are always angry you should do what you can to calm your temper so you can be more at peace and also for those around you. You get the idea I am sure. Amida promises nothing in this regard, only to eliminate your karma once you die and take you to the Pureland where you will be a Buddha.

So it is good to improve yourself, but if you find you can't at times then don't worry, the ocean of compassion that is the Amida Buddha's infinite light is plenty deep enough for you and your karma.

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