Sunday, November 1, 2015

I am who I am

I wake up this morning and some things bug me, then I realize that is just my karma. It's ok that they bug me and realizing that makes them not really bug me anymore. All the expectations other paths put on their adherents to change can be crippling. How lucky am I that I discovered the endless light of compassion of the Amida Buddha. As Alan Watts said;

"... you don't have to do a thing to justify yourself, and you don't have to justify not justifying yourself. So, there is something quite fascinating and tricky in this doctrine of the great bodhisattva Amitabha, who saves you just as you are, who delivers you from bondage just as you are. You only have to say "Namu Amida butsu."

Come as you are to the ocean of compassion that is the Amida's vow. There is no pressure, no expectations, just the Pureland, where you will be a Buddha.

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