Thursday, November 12, 2015

No permanent solution in this life

People have been trying to 'fix' themselves forever. Different religions and philosophies litter history. The ancient Greeks saw the pursuit of philosophy as a way overcome the problems in their lives they had. Probably very similar to the issues humans face today, except now it's the endless parade of self help books that are pushed and explored instead of philosophy. I have read several, I know may people who have, and they all kinda work, but nothing is ever permanent. I always hear from Pentecostal and Charismatic Christians talking about the next great revival that will set the entire 'church' on fire. It never comes, but it's always around the corner. The issues of being an unenlightened human still persist.

People can't seem to let go of the idea that we can't really permanently fix ourselves. We are unenlightened, but many don't want to except that this is so. There must be a religion, philosophy or book that can teach me true enlightenment.....well there isn't. Now don't get me wrong, I am all for techniques and ideas that bring you peace and can help make your life more pleasant, but they should be pursued free of the idea that they will be IT. And by IT I mean the FIX that will FIX you and bring you enlightenment.

That is why I am thankful I finally decided to take refuge in the Amida Buddha. The realization that there was no path that would lead me to ultimate enlightenment was in itself the most peaceful and happy realization I have had. Trusting in Amida's vow that because I can't erase my karma from many lives that keep me unenlightened, I instead allow Amida to do all the work. Upon death I will be free of this karma and go and live in the Pureland. Namo Amida Bu.

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